LBPClassroom Design Club 2014
Jump 4 Your Life
Game: LBP2 Address:
Description: A monster is chasing you! You must make your way over bouncy terrain and through traps in order to get to safety. Move quickly and reach the end. This student really wanted to create something bouncy and atmospheric, all things considered it came together nicely. Enjoy.
Game: LBP2 Address:
Description: Simply protect the cake world in this fast paced level with jumps, shooting, and races on a rat that conform to a cakeish theme. This young ladies personality really came out in her level. She has a lot of fun ideas and finds ways to loosely tie them all together. Truly, I think she just really liked trying out all the different things in the game.
The Destruction War Thingy
Game: LBP2 Address:
Description: Shoot down trees, hippies falling from a helicopter, and anything else. This was the first level that we made that, sadly, does not have an official end. This young man spent so much time tweaking his great vehicle, which he had so much fun with, that we didn't have enough time to do the things we wanted to in order to complete the level. Nine the less, it is fun to blow things up, and that is what you do.
Game: LBP2 Address:
Description: This level is a fight to the death...NOT! You do fight the dragon, but Grath (the dragon) will only fight until he gets tired of fighting and wants a drink. As a reward, you get to spend 30 seconds collecting books in the dragons library. This young ladies level was lofty. She explained to me an amazing dungeon set up that she wanted to do. I asked her what was the most important thing, she replied that it was the dragon. I said, then lets do that and focus there and anything we can add is a bonus. For the most part the dragon works very well, and we were both very pleased with the finished product. Enjoy.

Rushing Futuristic Farm
Game: LBP Karting Address:
Description: The owner of this farm (Which is from 2050) does not want YOU to be between him and his money. So if I were you, I would RUN. This young man and I put a lot of effort in to making a bus that could chase you. Sadly, it did not work out. On a brighter note, he made a pretty good track. Heads up though, this race is all skill and no weapons.

The Sandbox
Game: LBP Karting Address:
Description: THE SANDBOX is a battle in a desert with buunkers with lots of things that go BOOM. In contrast to the other Karting level, this one is all about blowing people up. This arena came together pretty quickly, so there was some really good polish.
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