Stop Thief! A Place Value Game

Level: Stop Thief: Place Value Game

Stop Thief: Hide and Seek Place Value Game

This level is designed to help students learn or review knowledge of number place or value.  Students chase down the villainous thief who has absconded (stolen) with all the left shoes from Liz's Shoe Store.  Students must locate him as he hides behind one of the digits in a seven digit number.  A character will be told what the place (ones, tens, hundreds, etc.) or the value (30, 400, 7,000, etc) of the digit is.  Students will then jump up and grab the digit that they think is correct.  Correct numbers will earn 200 points, incorrect numbers will lose 10.  For more look at the pictures below.

Before playing students get a little refresher on place value.

Damsels will tell you where the thief is hiding.

Students will be presented with a several seven digit numbers.

Correct answers will be displayed in green digits and earn 200 points.

Incorrect answers will be displayed in red digits and the lose of 10 points.

Bouncing to the roof will switch the focus.

Chasing the thief across the roof tops will focus on the value of the digits.

Old Joe will tell you where to find the thief.

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