Saturday, March 9, 2013

Turning Corners

A few fun stories for everyone on this, Oh So Wonderful Friday!  This week was awesome.  The kids in the club really clicked this week.  It started Tuesday with an EPIC jump that made the other two creators working with karting stop and watch.  We all stood there with huge smiles on our faces as the kart soared across the sky and landed on the other end of the track.  Everyone stayed quiet for a few seconds until the creator of the track broke the silence by proclaiming, “None of y’all steal my idea!”   We all burst out laughing.  Such a great moment.

The girl's favorite kart.

On Thursday, the boys did some really amazing things in LittleBigPlanet 2.  One boy set the stage for his competitive multiplayer bounce fest and next week will be adding moving platforms.  He was originally going to make something completely different, but after seeing the bounce pads has opted to create a cool challenge instead.   Another student was, with some help from a fellow LBP creator named Shade Seeker (thank you, good sir), able to create a vehicle that moves freely in all directions using the analog sticks and launches rockets.  He also taught the other boys that card board blows up rather easily.  This young man was so proud that he ran to get his mom, who also teaches in our building.  She was really enthusiastic to see his work and even more so when we walked her through how he had built it.

Over all, it was a really amazing week where projects really started to take shape.  I look forward to sharing more about the group in the next few weeks.

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